The truth is that, I am
generally a cynic and also a bit of a
guess it is genetic, we French having perfected for the last three centuries, the
art of shrugging our shoulders whilst looking slightly disgusted whenever the
supernatural or anything vaguely unexplained is mentioned. But I
must, at this stage, talk about the healing I did receive.
It is difficult to envisage being healed when you drink a potion which make poison tastes positively appealing and you spend all night purging but five days into the retreat, I suddenly
realized that “that pain” in my lungs, which had been bugging me close on six
months, was now gone.
“ That pain” I have to admit, I had diagnosed (again, I have to admit to being a hypochondriac, a condition which comes with the territory when you're French) as that most scary of diseases and I had though at
the time, that the best course of action was ignoring it. I had recently lost a very dear friend to
lung cancer or rather to chemo I believe. The
stories of him receiving third degree burns on is head through chemo and all
the other desperate times that he lived through during his treatment and until
his death, conveiced me that I did not want to try the allopathic road. A path, I believe to be ultimately a
corrupt one, where the pharmaceutical and medical bandits lurked at every corner.
But yes, the pain was gone and further more
I noticed that a calcified cervical vertebrae which had given grief for years,
a hard lump on the back of my neck, had just … melted away? When I mentioned
those facts at Satsangha, no body seemed particularly interested in the various
developments in my health even if for me they were nothing short of miraculous!

Even the ducks hesitated! |
Now a month on, the effects remain, though
I am sure the apocalyse stach of liqueur chocolates might remedy the five
missing kilos. I have gained a certain
serenity and have to admit that I have not felt any pangs of depression, a
curse that has plagued me forever. I
have also taken some executive decisions as to my future. It seems also that I have gained a certain self-confidence, fingers crossed, it’s still early .

As for the dark ones…which is probably the only reason you're still reading this blog- yes, they do exist! Sometimes they take the shape of a blue devil you throw in you bucket and which jumps back inside you...that type are your own demons who are reluctant to leave the comfy home you have provided for them. The other sort is a human who, usually for power, has chosen to walk a dark road, driven by egoticism and the gratification of all the basest urges . I have met a few in my life, thankfully not that many. This Diablo, a big man, rather arrogant, wearing sunglasses, even indoors (hiding his eyes?) and very much a poseur. He had, on arrival, insulted the very mild mannered hobbit, by passing some derogatory comments on the hobbits cultural background and spirituality. Now, I hadn't witnessed the exchange and so decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. A doubt which quickly vanished however when he became my neighbour in the circle, that very evening! He sort of took over the ceremony, constantly gesturing emphatically in a wannabe shamanic manner, loudly addressing in the two maestros continually. He insisted on pointing his feet towards the mesa/altar despite being asked not to do so by the shamans (it shows lack of respect and is a bit like going to mass insisting on turning the crucifix upside down...not the done thing), spoke non stop, touched me on a few occasions, whilst I was mariada, a very disconcerting and freaky thing to do to anyone under the power of ayahuasca, as you really do lose your sense of space. I found it upsetting, it did feel like a violation of my own space (you’ve got a mat, a blanket, a bucket and this is your world for 6 hours a night, you ‘ve got to feel safe there). He eventually grabbed my puke bucket ( he had lost his, kicked it on to the Mesa/altar again not very respectful) whilst I was mid vomit leaving me to throw up in my hands - a rather evil and not at all sociable thing to do. He also went on to vomit on top of the guy next to him, again, a a bit of a no no in the ayahuasca etiquette. It was very much an “exorcist” sort of experience! The next day he and his girlfriend left, saying this wasn't the place for them. I was very ill subsequently, I think it was altitude sickness myself, but some have mentioned psychic attacks ( I had complained about his behaviour) I can’t help thinking they had a purpose on coming to this most magical of retreats, where goodness is omni-present and it wasn’t a good one. But all the same, it was interesting, and quite amusing, to see the dark ones at work!

It wasn’t all darkness and black magic
however, for when my turn came to receive the healing from Don Roman, he told me he
could see “dos caballeros de luz” "two men of light", one on each of my shoulders, who
were there to protect me. Straight away
I thought of of my grand uncle and my father - my two aviators.
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"Caballeros de luz?" my father, and grand uncle with my beloved Blanche |
Night sky
in the flickering alphabet of fireflies...
She grew up amongst men
who flew by the stars
who read in the embered scrawl
each others stories mapped
hastily over the Sahara..
...Age nine, her father gave her
the beaded sky. Like them she read truths and prayers
from Night Sky. "A Taste of Hemlock" Michèle Vassal (Salmon Publishing)